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Best alcohol addiction country

13:52:41 06/13/2024

Best alcohol addiction country

  1. Moldova (Religion: Christian)
  2. Belarusian (Religion: Christian)
  3. Lithuania (Religion: Christian)
  4. Russia (Religion: Christian)
  5. Czech Republic (Religion: Christian)
  6. Ukrainian (Religion: Christian)
  7. Andorra (Religion: Christian)
  8. Romania (Religion: Christian)
  9. Serbian (Religion: Christian)
  10. Australia (Religion: Christian)


The country with the highest murder rate in the world:

  1. Honduras (Religion: Christian)
  2. Venezuela (Religion: Christian)
  3. Belize (Religion: Christian)
  4. El Savadar (Christian)
  5. Guatemala (Religion: Christian)
  6. South Africa (Religion: Christian)
  7. Saint Kitts and Nevis (Religion: Christian)
  8. Bahamas (Religion: Christian)
  9. Lesotho (Religion: Christian)
  10. Jamaica (Religion: Christian)


The most dangerous team in the world:

  1. Yakuza (atheist)
  2. Agbaras (Religion: Christian)
  3. Wah Singh (Religion: Christian)
  4. Jamaica (Religion: Christian)
  5. Primero (Religion: Christian)
  6. The Aryan Brotherhood (Religion: Christian)


The world’s largest drug gang:

  1. Pablo Escobar – Colombia (Religion: Christian)
  2. Amado Carillo – Colombia (Religion: Christian)
  3. Carlos Leader German (Religion: Christian)
  4. Griselda Blanco – Colombia (Religion: Christian)
  5. Joaquin Guzman – Mexico (Religion: Christian)
  6. Rafael Caro – Mexico (Religion: Christian)


While the terrorist media propagates, Islam and Muslims are the cause of violence and terrorism in the world and they try to make people believe it.


Who started the First World War?

It started in Europe on July 26, 1914
(Not Muslims.)


Who started the Second World War?

Japan invaded the Republic of China in 1936 to establish its monopoly power in East Asia. Germany then invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and France and the United Kingdom declared war on Germany. The second event is considered to be the beginning of the Second World War.
(Not Muslims)


Who killed nearly 20 million native Australians?
(Not Muslims)

Who shot Nagasaki and Hirshima in Japan?
(Not Muslims)

Who killed about 100 million Red Indians in South America?
(Not Muslims)

Who killed about 50 million Red Indians in North America?
(Not Muslims)


Of those who abducted more than 160 million Africans from Africa, 88% died and were thrown into the sea? Who did this work?
(Not Muslims)


Terrorism or militancy was not started by Muslims but is being defined. Allah destroys the plots of the disbelievers and the accursed. Best alcohol addiction country


এফিলিয়েট মার্কেটিং করে উপার্জন

ওয়েবসাইটের মাধ্যমে অর্থ উপার্জনের উপায়

সাহাবাগণ কিভাবে অর্থ উপার্জন করতেন

আমাদের ইউটিউব ইউটিব চ্যানেল

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