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Templages engine

Templates engine support PHP tags. Also it has own tags.


Supported tags are


a. Any template variable can be {$var} - it's like <?php echo $var; ?>. If it's array or object - use same way as PHP, for example {$var['var']}


{foreach $array as $k=>$v}



will be


foreach ($array as $k=>$v) {


You still can insert {$v} tag


And so on. So instead of <?php CODE ?> you simple write {CODE}, similar what saves you time. Look below to learn more(no PHP tags in examples).

c. {if $tmp == '1' or $var == '2'} {/if}


will be


if ($tmp == '1' or $var == '2') {


Same is

{elseif [CODE]}





{php $var = 1+2;}

It's just to wrap to the inside content.


e. {price $var}

It will ouput currency symbol and price with .00 at the end.


f. {weight $var}

It will ouput weight symbol and weight with .00 at the end.


g. {include="TEMPALTE PATH"}


for example {include="common/products.php"}


h. {lng[Hello world]} - language variable. Useful if you translate or use multi-lingual site.

All tags and {lng..} stored in cache and not processed on every page load.

{lng[Hello|lower]} - lowcase.
{lng[Hello|js]} - replace line breaks and " character with \".
{lng[Hello|escape]} - replace " character with \".

You can also use {lng} in JavaScript - they are processed as well. JavaScrpt already do all the work so it does not support additonal modifiers like "lower".


i. Easier than {php } for assignments
{assign $var=1+2}


$var = 1+2;



Full templates engine is in the includes/func/func.core.php file

function get_template_contents


Easy to customize or add new template tags for even new developer.

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